5 ways to save money on your new office furniture

1.  Don't buy cheap and hope for the best.  When you buy cheap, you buy twice!  Think of your office chair as a work tool and buy accordingly.  

2.  Find a local office furniture dealer that can help you make smart decisions.  Don't pay retail at the big box stores.  You will overpay for inferior products.  

3. Buy your furniture based on the length of your lease.  If you have a 3 year lease, you dont really need furniture that is made for a lifetime.  Buy a mid-grade product that will serve you well for at least 3 years and more.  

4.  Shop around.  You will find that the internet has leveled the playing field and you can get most of the info you seek with a few clicks, but go see the professionals fist so you know which questions to ask.  You'll feel better about your decision.

5.  Look at all your options.   Balance the need for design with your budget.  There are ways to blend different products to create a solution that fits you best.  Blend used office furniture where you can.  There are some tremendous deals to be found and you can shave off a significant part of your budget with some creative blending.  Be sure to ask the office furniture professional about these options when you meet with them. 


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