Project Direct

workstations open plan office space collaborative modern cubicles

Project-Direct is exactly what it sounds like.  We cut out the middle man and connect you with the source.  Save big when you plan ahead.     

Leverage our global supply system and eliminate a link or two in the buying chain when creating your ideal office space. 

We create a workplace environment to suit your needs.  Our design team will create efficient layouts for your space and add design touches to make it more than just an office.  We will guide you through the process of selecting the right products and configurations for your team and space.  We will add colors and other elements to the design that will complement the space and inspire the users.   

From workstations to private offices, conference rooms to collaboration spaces, we have it covered.  Our selection of office furniture solutions has served many corporate needs.  Whether you are looking for a new solution for a standards program or just need a better solution for your business,  We have what you need. 

Tell us your ideas, show us your space, and we'll make it easy from there.